Rates, taxes, utilities in Italy.
Annual property tax of 0.6 - 0.7% of the cadastral value of the property and is calculated for each object individually, depending on the status of the territory in which it is located. For example, in Milan, it is 0.5%. This tax is calculated and administered local municipalities. It is noteworthy that at the present time would be to revise the inventory value of real estate objects. For example the cost of the state's annual tax on a villa worth 2.500.000,00 Euro Commercial is 3.200,00 euros per year, the cadastral price of this villa is about 550.000,00 Euros. Property Insurance in Italy, perhaps, but not mandatory. For example insurance object property worth 1.100.000,00 euros including most of the risk is approximately 800 euros per year. The amount of payments for a villa or apartment is an ordinary amount of use of gas, electricity, water - all paid for separately by meter reading. Consumption depends on the habits of his own regime to room temperature, water use, as well as length of residence in an apartment or villa. You must also pay tax on garbage collection, which is determined based on local parameters and the number of living persons, the area of properties per property. Range from EUR 300 to EUR 2,000.00 per year. For apartments in the residence with the presence of its own territory, pool, concierge greatly increases the amount of payments, since all the expenses for maintenance of the building divided by all owners. The more comfortable the more expensive costs.